
Has Whitney Thore had weight loss surgery? Updates on My Big Fat Fabulous Life star! Wed 20 Jan

Whitney revealed she was considering weight loss surgery, as part of her mission to drop the pounds on TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Cameras have followed her story, from getting engaged to former fiance Chase Severino, to splitting up with him, and finding new boyfriend Buddy. It was revealed in December 2020 that she might be getting bariatric surgery, and now fans are wondering if she ever went through the process.

Where Breaking Amish original cast are now spotlight shun to fashion designer Thu 7 A

A lot has been happening to the cast of the popular American reality television series ‘Breaking Amish‘ since 2014. Some have left to pursue other careers, while others can still be seen on the show’s spinoff ‘Return To Amish’. Let’s take a look at where they are now. Breaking Amish is about six men and women, who are Amish and one Mennonite who live their lives in Pennsylvania and move to the big city of New York, away from their strict religious surroundings.

'Armageddon': Compare the Cast of the Legendary Blockbuster Then and Now

Jerry Bruckheimer's blockbuster "Armageddon" is celebrating its 21st anniversary. The film was made up of a world-class cast but where are they now? Any science fiction fan will remember the memorable disaster film "Armageddon." Produced and directed by Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer the film was released by Touchstone Pictures. The storyline followed a group of blue-collar drillers dispatched by NASA to stop an asteroid that was hurtling towards Earth. The movie had a stellar cast.

Kali Roses


'And Just Like That' Recap, Season 2, Episode 9: Carrie and Aidan Show No Signs of Slowing Down

Spoiler alert! If you haven't seen this week's episode of And Just Like That, proceed with caution.  Welcome back to another week of Carrie and Aidan's Love-A-Palooza, where time is a construct and real-life problems don't exist. On this week's episode of the Sex and the City Max spinoff series, And Just Like That, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Aidan Shaw (John Corbett) are still riding the midnight train to Virginia like it ain't no thang.

'Phil Spector assassinated her twice': Lana Clarkson's pal shares last memory, says star was seeking

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Late actress Lana Clarkson was looking for love before she was assassinated in 2003 by record producer Phil Spector, her friend revealed. Clarkson who rose to prominence in several sword-and-sorcery films found herself ready to settle down after a long career.  "I had just seen Lana at Nordstrom’s," pal Dianne Bennett toldFox News. Bennett added, "She was shopping with her mother for a pair of sensible shoes to wear because she had gotten hired as the hostess for the VIP room at the House of Blues.

'SNL' Star Marcello Hernndez Talks TikTok Soccer Comedy Series (EXCLUSIVE)

'Saturday Night Live' star Marcello Hernández spoke exclusively with 'Distractify' about his TikTok comedy series in honor of the FIFA World Cup. Saturday Night Live's newest cast member Marcello Hernández made a name for himself among the sketch-comedy series' fanbase following his October 2022 Weekend Update segment in which he provided sports commentary on Latino players in Major League Baseball. Now, the 25-year-old Latino is using his comedic skills on TikTok in his latest partnership with McDonald's.

'Today' Show's Savannah Guthrie Explains What Faith Means to Her

In a recent interview with the New York Times, broadcast journalist Savannah Guthrie, the main co-anchor of "Today," said that faith is essential to her. Savannah Guthrie told the outlet that she is consistently mindful of not being the center of the universe. Having faith, she added, actually causes one to know their place in the world. Guthrie went on to say that she truly values faith and that she finds it endlessly interesting.


俳優でフォークソング歌手のマイク眞木さんですが、 その多彩な才能と、華麗な家系図が印象的で、 現在でも、世のおじさまの憧れ的存在です。 メディアにしょっちゅう露出するわけではないですが、 少しテレビなどに登場すると、 すぐにトレンドに入るほど、 個性的で華やかで、人を惹きつける魅力を持っています。 歌に演技にサーフィンに、 男のロマンの全てを持っているマイク眞木さんですが、 その日常というのはイメージができません。 マイク眞木さんはハッキリとした物言いで、 決してミステリアスなキャラというわけではないですが、 「もっと知りたい!」と好奇心を煽られるのです。 マイク眞木と息子(真木蔵人)の現在 出生名 眞木 壮一郎 生誕 1944年4月27日(74歳) 出身地: 日本・東京都 学歴: 日本大学藝術学部放送学科 ジャンル:フォークソング 職業: 歌手・俳優 活動期間 :1966年 - レーベル: 日本フォノグラム 事務所:アイコンティネンス マイク眞木さんの父親は、 舞台芸術家で衣装デザイナーの「真木小太郎」さんです。 学生時代から、当時の青山学院系列に通っており、 筋金入りのおぼっちゃまな育ちですが、 男気溢れる若者で、そこらへんのボンボンとは違ったみたいです。 最初に結婚した相手は女優の前田美波里さんと、 その間に生まれた子供が、俳優の真木蔵人さんです。 2回の結婚と離婚を繰り返した現在、 嫁さんは一度離婚し再婚した女優の和田加奈子さんで、 長男に真木蔵人さん、次男に真木勇人さん、三男に真木奏人さんがいます。 息子のうち2人もプロサーファーというのがすごいステータスで、 今でも海を愛しており、息子と海を語る話なども多くありました。 現在でも海の家を借りてのライブを行ったりと、 海に近い活動を続けています。 ちなみに長男の真木蔵人さんは、 私生活で色々と問題を起こしてはニュースになっています。 真木蔵人さんもなかなか素晴らしい方で、 今でも根強いファンが何人もいます! 真木蔵人のプロフィール 俳優でありプロサーファーでもある真木蔵人さんですが、 度々メディアを沸かせる、良い意味で刺激の強い方です。 生年月日: 1972年10月3日(45歳) 出生地: 東京都港区赤坂 国籍 : 日本 血液型: O型 ジャンル: 俳優 活動期間: 1988年 - 事務所:ソロモン・アイ・アンド・アイ プロダクション

[PICS] Bruce Jenners Plastic Surgery A Scary Facial Transformation Hollywood Life

Bruce Jenner’s Transformation It sounds cliche, but looking at pictures of Bruce as a young man and now, you’d never guess it was the same person. As an Olympian in the 1970s, Bruce had a rounded face, a strong square jaw, and a slender but soft nose. Bruce’s Kids Talk Post-Surgery Bruce Jenner Pics You can’t really say he has those things now. Bruce’s nose has come to be pointy and bony, and his tight face, which no longer has any of that youthful softness, suggests that he’s had more than a few lifts.